On the evening of Monday August 29th, Tanker 5 and surrounding mutual aid partners attended a Rural Water Supply drill at the North Salem Middle/High School - hosted by the Croton Falls Fire District.
In 80 minutes, nine tankers averaging a 3,000 Gallon capacity made 32 "shuttles" from two separate water sources in town.
Delivering 96,000 Gallons of water, the tankers were able to sustain approximately 1,200 GPM of water flown for the "Fire Attack".
Most parts of Northern Westchester County (including more than half of the Bedford Hills Fire District) are not supported by municipal water systems, as such - Fire Departments must train regularly on the ability to quickly and efficiently retrieve, transport and deliver water from a source to a fire scene.
Remember, BHFD is always looking for Volunteers to join our ranks. If you’re interested in joining our team, stop by BHFD on Monday Evenings after 6:30pm.
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