In 2023, the Bedford Hills Fire Department answered a total of 486 alarms. The Men and Women of the Bedford Hills Fire Department continue to answer alarms at all hours of the day, and in various conditions.
The Top Responders for 2023 are:
1) Firefighter: Ira Katz - 374 Alarms
2) Deputy Chief: David J. Liburdi - 330 Alarms
3) Lieutenant: Sean Curro - 305 Alarms
4) Firefighter: Gregory Wege - 286 Alarms 5) Captain: Joseph J. Lombardo III - 271 Alarms
6) Firefighter: Francesco Figliuzzi - 265 Alarms
7) Firefighter: Robert Medina - 243 Alarms
8) Firefighter: Robert Dennett Sr. - 239 Alarms
9) Firefighter: Thomas Love - 188 Alarms
10) Firefighter: Joseph Liburdi Jr. - 184 Alarms
11) Deputy Chief: Dominick N. Bueti - 176 Alarms 12) Lieutenant: John Norcia – 155 Alarms
13) Firefighter: Kyle Brown - 153 Alarms 14) Firefighter: Benjamin Rotolo - 130 Alarms
15) Firefighter: Richard Palmesi - 127 Alarms
Although not counted in the top responders, it should be known the Chief Officers of the Bedford Hills Fire Department answered their fair share of alarms as well.
Chief of Department - Car 2031 - Alexander W. Dennett - 266 Alarms
1st Assistant Chief - Car 2032 - Zachary S. Patierno - 195 Alarms
2nd Assistant Chief - Car 2033 - Brian S. McGill - 238 Alarms
Deputy Chief – Car 2034 - Jason L. Nickson - 177 Alarms
In 2023, 25 members of the Department attended over 100 alarms. We thank all the dedicated members of our Department for the time and work they provide for the community. |