Three Bedford Hills Residents Saved in Early Morning Fire
By Public Information Office
May 31, 2024

At 02:45 on Friday, May 31, 2024 – 60 Control – the Westchester County Emergency Communications Center received a 911 call from the resident of 38 Park Avenue in Bedford Hills, reporting her house was on fire and she and her two children were trapped in the smoke-filled residence and unable to evacuate. 60 Control Dispatcher Jason Garcia – remained on the phoneline with the caller until the arrival of first responders.

Below is a chronology and timeline of the Incident Details:

02:47: Car 2034 (Nickson) – Responding. 60 Control advises they are still on the line with the caller and she is unable to exit. With the information provided the 10-75 (Working Structure Fire) Assignment was transmitted. A second BLS Ambulance and ALS Unit was requested.

02:48: Car 2032 (Patierno) – Responding

02:49: - 02:50: Car 2032 confirms per Bedford PD, the occupants are confirmed to be trapped in the residence and heavy smoke throughout the neighborhood. 2032 – On Location.

02:51: Engine 198 – Responding

02:52: Engine 198 – On Location – secured a hydrant at the corner of Park Avenue and School Street and laid in. The crew of E198 stretched a 3” line and flew the wye to the front door, deploying two 2” apartment packs.

02:53: Car 2032 – Reports the first occupant removed from the residence. Chief Patierno, along with Bedford Police Officers Baschnagel, Sauber, Sagliano forced a door off the rear porch and located the first male child just inside the doorway in the kitchen.

02:54: Car 2034 – On Location with a 1 ½ story split-level ranch – fire appears to be on the first floor, heavy smoke throughout – rescues are in progress.

02:56: Tower Ladder 57 – Responding

02:57: Car 2034 – Establishes “Park Avenue Command” / Tower Ladder 57 – On Location

02:58: “Park Avenue Command” Transmit the Second Alarm / 45M1 – requests a third BLS ambulance to the scene. EMS triage area was established on the front lawn in front of Engine 198.

03:00: “Park Avenue Command” – Three rescues have been made – two pediatric males and one adult female. All three are conscious and are in care of EMS at the triage area. Command also reports still searching for the main body of fire, with heavy smoke throughout. Two Lines stretched, one operating.

The crew of Engine 198 stretched the first attack line through the residence, down the basement stairs in near zero visibility to the main body of fire. The second line was stretched to the top of the basement steps for stairwell support.

Tower Ladder 57’s crew assisted with both hand2lines while simultaneously conducting searches of the fire building and performing outside ventilation.

03:03: “Park Avenue Command” – Deep-seated basement fire, companies are still trying to locate the main body of fire.

03:04: Engine 199 – On Location

03:06: “Park Avenue Command” – Water on the Fire

03:15: “Park Avenue Command” – The main body of Fire has been knocked down. Primary searches are complete, secondary searches are underway, beginning ventilation – continuing to use all hands.

03:26: “Park Avenue Command” – Places the Fire – Under Control

03:59: Car 2034 – passing Command to Car 2031 (Dennett)

Units Operating:

BHFD: Car 2031, Car 2032, Car 2034, Engine 198, Engine 199, Tower Ladder 57 & Utility 6

10-75 (Working Fire Assignment) Companies:

MKFD: Car 2283, Engine 105 (1st FAS Team)
KBHVAC: 65B2, 65B3
WEMS: 40A3, 45M1, 45M3
WCDES: BAT16, C&O Zone 5
Bedford PD: 10A, 10B & 10C
Town of Bedford: Building Department
Utilities: NYSEG

Relocates to BHFD HQ:
BVFD: Car 2041, Car 2043, E109
CFFD: Ladder 67 & Utility 48
Stand-By in Own Quarters:
MKFD: Engine 104

Second Alarm to Scene:
BVFD: Car 2041, Car 2043, E109 & 52B2
CFFD: Ladder 67 & Utility 48
MKFD: Engine 104
YHFD: Car 2532, Car 2533, Rescue 16 (2nd FAS Team)

Relocates to BHFD HQ:
PRFD: Car 2402, Engine 113
PCFD: Car 2393, Rescue 40
VFD: Car 2482, Tower Ladder 49

Photo Credit: Frank Becerra Jr. (LoHud), Firefighters David Tomack & Albert Sulenski