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Tower Ladder 57 operates at Somers 10-75
By Deputy Chief Jason L. Nickson
December 15, 2023
At 11:23hrs on Friday December 15th, Bedford Hills Fire was dispatched to assist the Somers Volunteer Fire Department with Tower Ladder 57 on the 10-75 (working fire) at 140 Route 202.
Tower Ladder 57 and Utility 6 with 10 Bedford Hills Volunteer Firefighters responded on the run and arrived shortly behind first due SVFD units.
Upon arrival, members from BHFD were put to work by command assuming truck company responsibilities including outside vent and roof operations.
Bedford Hills companies operated for approximately 3:30 hours before being released by Somers Command.
Photos are courtesy of the Frank Becerra - Journal news/Lohud and Deputy Chief David Liburdi (203-36).