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Former Member Promoted to Battalion Chief
By 2nd Assistant Chief Brian S. McGill
May 3, 2024
Former Bedford Hills Fire Department member Casey Cassidy has been Promoted to the rank of Battalion Chief of the Fort Wayne (Indiana) Fire Department. Chief Cassidy Started with the Bedford Hills Volunteer Fire Department in September 1991as a Probationary Firefighter, and took multiple classes before becoming Engineer of Snorkel 1. Casey was a dedicated volunteer who was always around the firehouse and never shy to lend a hand when needed. He was also a staple on the fireground knowledgeable and ready to go to work. Casey was a member from 1991 through 1994 before relocating, and though it was a short time he made a lasting impression and has friends for a lifetime back home.
In a ceremony held in late April, Casey was promoted to Battalion Chief after 28 Years of dedicated service to the Fort Wayne Fire Department.
Members of the Bedford Hills Fire Department would like to congratulate Chief Cassidy on his promotion and wish him the best of luck in his new position.